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How to Keep you Home Clean and Green




As we move away from the sluggish winter season we start looking forward to all the green and new possibilities of Spring and Summer. Most of us are familiar with spring cleaning rituals, but this year my ritual has changed and I have adopted a new way of cleaning which involves using only natural ingredients and hot steam.

The web is full of natural cleaning solutions and steam cleaning mops that can help keep your home clean and green but I will list some of the things I have tried that have worked and I stick by .

I have found that to clean green you will need the following containers

What you need:

• Plastic squirt bottles of various sizes.

• Plastic spray bottles.

• Misters (plastic pump spray bottles).

• Coffee cans with lids.

• Cotton cloths (to use instead of paper towels).

Natural Cleaning ingredients .

Warning beforehand: If you use natural ingredients like tea tree oil, lemon, vinegar, or baking soda keep in mind that you should treat  them as you would commercial cleaners where you put on gloves when you are washing or scrubbing and you do not swallow any of the natural cleaning solutions.

Cleaning with natural ingredients brings you closer to mother nature and allows you to feel easier about cleaning your home especially when you have babies or toddlers that are still crawling  around floors and carpets and put almost anything in their mouths. Natural cleaning ingredients I use are lemons , hot water and vinegar. I usually mix it all together and put it to a spray bottle. It can help clean and sanitize counter tops and sinks after preparing raw meat and chicken. However, for the latter, I use my H2O MopX5 steam cleaner and  convert it into a hand steamer and load the top tank with lemon, water and vinegar so that I can get a proper steam cleaning in my kitchen. A simple and effective way to freshen up your kitchen is to cut a lemon in half and just scrub the sink and counter top with it.

This is my favorite dishwashing recipe, I know there are so many out there but if you have any please me know your favorite.

DIY Natural Dishwashing liquid

1/4 cup soap flakes

2 cups hot water

1/4 cup glycerin

1/2 teaspoon lemon essential oil


1) In bowl combine soap flakes and water and stir until the soap is dissolved.

2) Stir in the glycerin and the essential oil, leave to cool. As it cools it will form a loose gel. Stir with a fork and break up the gel and then pour into an old shampoo bottle or any other similar shaped container.

3) To use, squirt 3 teaspoonfuls into hot running water.

Tea Tree Oil

My personal favorite natural cleaning agent is Australian tea tree oil. Australian tea tree oil is broad in its function that its a germicide, fungicide and a bactericide. Tea tree oil helps kill mold and mildew by just mixing in two teaspoons of  Australian tea tree oil in a spray bottle with two cups of warm water.  When you spray you shouldn’t scrub but let the smell and solution absorb for a few days.Tea Tree oil and essential oils are  a great  way to add scent and disinfect stains and messes. You can use lemon essential oil to clean your  microwave

What you will need.

1/4 cup baking soda

1 teaspoon vinegar

5-6 drops thyme, lemongrass, or lemon essential oil

Combine all ingredients to make a paste. Apply to the walls and floor of the microwave with a soft cloth or sponge. Rinse well and leave the microwave door open to air-dry for about 25-minutes.

Make Your own Natural Healthy Disinfectant Spray:

2 Cups Water

1/4 Cup White Vinegar

1/4 tsp. Tea Tree Oil

1/4 tsp. Lavender Oil

Combine and store in a spray bottle. Shake occasionally. Use wherever a disinfectant spray is needed.

As a busy mother of 3 my cleaning time is always cut short so what I do with tea tree oil and the H2O MopX5 is I put 3 teaspoons of tea oil in the front tank and steam spray my tea tree oil solution into the grout in the shower. This helps repel mold and mildew. If you don’t use a steam cleaner, then what will happens is that it will kill the mold but it won’t take away the mold discoloration.

I also use tea tree oil  in the laundry. I add ½  teaspoon of tea tree oil to towels and bedding and other fabrics that are prone to getting moldy.

There are alot of natural remedies out there that do work but require more elbow work then most commercial cleaners which means you can be cleaning for longer.I suggest investing in a steam cleaning mop that uses hot steam to help clean and disinfect your home. A good carpet steam cleaner or  handheld steam cleaner only uses water and no other detergent. If you are interested in getting one the best thing to do is check out steaming cleaning mop reviews and  find out which steam cleaner would be good for you. I  myself have purchased many in the past and the latest one is my H2O MopX5 which works wonders and uses nothing but regular warm tap water and anything else I add to it.

So there you have it, simple solutions to keeping your home clean and green.


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Ab Doer Twist Machine. An Ab Machine that Will Twist Your Way to Fitness

Thane Products


Summer is around the corner  and all you keep thinking about is shedding the winter pounds and committing to healthier lifestyle. Many people try new exercise regimes to change things up while other swear by what they did last summer to loose weight this summer. My secret has always been John Ab Doers Twist Machine and its something I use along with other work regimes to get me back in shape each summer. Before I go in to detail about the ab machine workout I want to point out some  important tips:

 Rule #1.  

You cant define you waist if your eating habits are bad. Start paying attention to what you are eating now. Just cutting out junk food, white carbs and sugary drinks helps eliminate the unnecessary calories out of your diet and jump start your weight loss.

Rule  #2. 

To get the most out of any ab exercise machine you have to incorporate a good amount of cardiovascular exercise into your daily workout routine. The cardio will help you reduce fat all over your body but will more importantly shrink the fat around your stomach. If you stick to these two rules then you will have no problem defining your waist with John Ab Doers ab exercise machine.

John’s Ab Doer Twist Ab Machine

Johns Ab Doer Twist  can help you define you stomach and work on your abs at the same time. I have used seated ab chair for years and have always gotten the best results from it. 

A Brief Break down of the Ab Doer. 

The machine has a seat with comfortable cushioning, a highly flexible column, a roller instead of a back cushion and a twisted arm bar. Each part of the chair provides a advantage to your workout.  The cushion allows comfortable seating so you do not get fatigued, the arm bars allow easy handling so you can simply concentrate on moving your body and controlling it. And the roller at the back of the chair acts like a massage.

The Resistance Control

The resistance control knob is just below the seat and is used to control the flexible column. You can set the strength of resistance as you see fit. The resistance knob  allows anyone to use the Ab Doer because you can start off at any resistance level you are comfortable at and then progress. 

The Ab Doer Twist is comes with two additional products. An instruction DVD and a booklet with recommended recipes. The DVD is very important since this contains actual exercises that can be done with the machine to gain the abs users want. The recipe booklet is also useful since its a perfect supplement in controlling calories while reaching your desired body.

If you are contemplating getting the Ab Doer  then you should think about all the things this machine can do for you and what it can not. For instance the Ab Doer is a great exercise machine but it is really only meant for your abs. The means that any cardio or other strength training that you should do has to be done with other equipment. You need to start working your whole body before you start noticing the development in your abs.

If you do decide to get the Ab Doer Twist, congratulations you have made the first step towards reducing your waist line and shifting your mental attitude towards a healthier lifestyle. The most important part comes after you get the machine and start working on it. Rest assure the product does come with a 30 day money back guarantee. This means you can try out the product for a couple weeks and see if it will foster improvements in your body. You will however have to contact customer service from the country you ordered it from if you have any questions or concerns. has a list countries you can order from and helpful customer service representatives  if you have any questions.  


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How to Buy Your Dog Training Supplies Online?

It does not matter if your dog is the cutest pooch ever or the most stubborn pet. It requires some training to make sure that it adheres to authority, sees you as a leader, respects your decisions, and avoids causing headaches in the future.

You may hire someone to help you out with your dog’s training, but it will cost you a fortune. You can head to your nearest pet store, but it may take a lot of your time. The best way to have your dog training supplies therefore is to shop online.

Here are the best tips on buying them in cyberspace:

Know what types of dog training supply you need

Does your pup needs some training on biting or chewing? Do you want to know how to make your dog less aggressive toward strangers? There are no generic strategies in training dogs, so it is helpful if you can be very specific about your goal and your needs as of the present moment.

Compare your options and offers

Just because the dog training supplies are the rave in the market does not have to mean they are the right ones for you. If you want to save on costs and purchase worthwhile supplies, make some time to compare the different offers you can find online. Search for at least 5 sellers, get to know who they are and what they are selling, list the benefits you may enjoy from every supply, and make a choice.

Find supplies that fit your dogs

Dog collars and leashes are some of the dog training supplies you are going to need. These accessories are currently sold in different sizes, so there is no excuse for you not to find one that truly fits your dog’s body

Get them only from reliable dog supplies sellers

It is so easy for anyone to put up a store for dog training supplies in the Internet. But a shop does not really mean you are dealing with a good seller. Besides running a legitimate business—you can check out its reputation in websites such as Better Business Bureau—the store should also be run by someone who has a very high level of knowledge about dogs, especially dog training. His expertise will come in handy when you need pieces of advice or clarity in your decision making

Ask for a money-back guarantee

Even the best dog training collars or dog training techniques manuals fail, so sometimes you wish that you could get your money back to compensate your dissatisfaction. Fortunately, a number of sellers today now offer a refund policy for their dog training supplies, which you may take advantage for at least 30 days. That is already a good-enough time to test out their effectiveness.

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Top Abs Equipment for Daily Exercises

Why You Need Abs Equipment

You can always head to the gym or a physical trainer for your body maintenance and improvement.

However, there will be times when you have to exercise on your own. Thus, you cannot be too dependent on being told what to do. Moreover, your own schedule may prevent you from heading to the gym anytime you want.

Learning about the best abdominal exercise equipment available nowadays, therefore, is important.  Here are some of the highly recommended machines that are readily available:

Abs Workout Wheel Exercise

Abs Wheel Best way to exercise

Ab Wheel

To use the AbWheel, kneel on your knees and keep your back straight at all times. Begin in a relaxed position and then slowly grab the wheel toward you with the handles on each hand. Roll the wheel forward until you feel strain in your abdominal muscles. Approximately, your body must be about six inches off the floor when repetitively rolling the wheel back and forth.

Captain’s Chair

Captain's Chair - Best Abs Exercise

Captain's Chair - Popular Abs Exercise

Another kind of equipment for abs exercises is the Captain’s Chair. Also known as the vertical knee raise, this abs machine comes very handy when strengthening your rectus abdominis, commonly known as the six pack.

To use the Captain’s Chair, you must first hold on to the handles and extend your legs down. Afterward, deliberately bring your knees up to your chest. Push your back into the supportive pad as you controllable strain your abdomen and then bring yourself back to starting position.

Hyper-Extension Board for abs workout

Hyper-Extension Board - The way to Go

Hypertension Board

The Hyper-extension Board is an abs machine that builds up abdominal oblique muscles. Working on the equipment begins with a sideways standing position with your hands on your hips and your feet firmly locked against its supports. Bend your body toward the floor to maximum body stretching. Do this procedure on the other side.





  • Find abs equipment that doesn’t just create six-pack abs but also tones the rest of the muscles in your body. This is how you can get the most out of your investment.
  • Even the best abs workout equipment can cause injuries. One of the foremost reasons is you don’t take extra precautions in using machine for abs workout exercise. Listen to your body first before doing anything. If you feel sick or incredibly tired, rest for a bit or perhaps skip a day or two until you have full strength to go back to abs exercise equipment.

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SHARK Vac Then Steam Mop reviews

Not sure if to get the SHARK Vac Then Steam Mop? DO not know who to ask? Worry no more!!!

New product form Shark – Vac then steam mop

Not so long ago Shark came up with yet another new product called SHARK Vac then Steam. I have few of Shark’s products in my house, and for most part i’m very please with this brand.

I like to do my research before buying new products, but since the Shark Vac than Steamer is relatively new, I couldn’t find many good re;able reviews out there, to help me make my mind.

I saw few advertising for their new product SHARk vac and Steam, and I was wondering if this concept really work. The shark new vac and steam seem good and simple enough to use. It should save on time, storing space and money based on the reviews.

I do not have too much storage space in my house, so having one device to do vacuuming and steaming is a big plus for me. Also, I have small kids so the new Shark Vac than steam will have to be able to handle cleaning food, crumbs, spilled juice and the like form my floors, on a daily basis.

Right now i use the Shark floor swifter, which is light weight, and easy to empty and maintain, but it doesn’t really pick up everything, and hard to use in the corners. For steaming my floors I use a steam mop called H2O mop. I love the concept of steaming my floors, because I do not need to use harmful chemicals which is the green thing to do, but also the good thing to do for my kids.

Based on the detailed reviews I mention above I order my new Shark vac and steam and i’m very eager to try it out.

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Total Flex Home Gym for your health

Total Flex Home Gym for your health

Regular exercise routine it is very important part regular body maintenance. Keeping the body in good shape will affect your body and well being in short run but even more importantly in the long run. It is never too late to start working out. The most important thing it to START, to make the decision, to acknowledge the benefits and to actually make the first move and start exercising.

After you start you have to make sure to keep going. It is not easy task, but the great feeling form working out and watching your body shaped into what you like it to will sure help.

It could be to maintain regular working out routine; crowded gyms can cost over $900 a year and you are limited to their working hours .Not to mention you need to go out of your house, drive, park, wait in line for other people to finish using the machine you want to work on. Dose that make you feel like exercising? not really ha?

The solution could be a home gym, but you need extra space in your place or empty room, as well as few machines to work on different part of your body. And the cost? huge home gyms can cost over $1000. Can you afford the space? The price? Well, this is why Total Flex, totally unique all in one home gym, is the best solution out there.

Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym

Amazon Price: $125.54
List Price: $299.99
Total Gym XLS Total Gym XLS

Amazon Price: $680.00
List Price: $1,948.00
Total Gym 1800 Club Total Gym 1800 Club

Amazon Price: $299.00
List Price: $399.99

Work it out to new body you will love

Total Flex can work your entire body in as little as 18 minutes a day. It is affordable. Ultra-compact, unfolds in seconds. Did you know that Total Flex gives you more than 50 gym exercises? all in the comfort, convenience and privacy of your own home. And my favourite is Kim Lyon'sFast Track to Fat Loss healthy eating plans. Plus Exclusive Membership to her
Fast Track to Fat Loss Website, which include in it. Good reason to check it out. See for yourself here: 

Not only do muscles look great, they are the key to losing weight… and sculpts every part of your body! With lightning fast changeovers that keep your heart rate elevated – you’ll do a cardio workout at the same time – even while you watch TV!

So why pound yourself silly on a treadmill, when you can work your entire body in as little as 18 minutes a day. Whatever your fitness level: from beginner to advanced, the Total Flex™ puts you in a safe, comfortable position. Increasing the intensity is as simple as engaging a different band, or hook on all three bands to take it to the max!

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John Abdo’s 5 tips for faster fat loss – Abdoer twist work out

John Abdo’s 5 tips for faster fat loss

5 Tips for Faster Fat Loss

By John Abdo

1. THINK LEAN: That’s right. Fat loss and overall health begin inside your mind. What and how you think about yourself, and how you think about food and exercise, often makes a profound difference between a person who is healthy and lean and one who is unhealthy and overweight. When you see a donut do you think you’ll be depriving yourself if you don’t eat it, or do you spontaneously chow it down, oblivious of the consequences? Lean and healthy people are conditioned to think and react in ways that only make contributions to their health, now and well into the future.

2. HEADS UP: I suggest that many fitness enthusiasts, especially during fat-burning sessions, wear a hat when exercising, like a baseball cap or knitted cap. Since numerous thermography, or body heat tests, have proven that heat rises through the top of our heads, especially during exercise, it’s important to contain that heat so you can contain that heat around your body and perspire more. An increase in body temperature (heat) and perspiration will help to accelerate your fat reduction process, while excess fluids will be strained from underneath the skin. As a precaution, if you start to feel over-heated, remove the hat and/or cease your activity and drink some cool-to-cold fluids.

3. COFFEE STACK: If you drink coffee, I suggest that you avoid fat-laden creams and any kind of synthetic sugars or syrups. Try to sweeten your coffee with cinnamon and a tiny amount of Stevia; these serve as sweeteners and nutritional boosters. Also, try to consume an 81-grain aspirin along with 1/4 or 1/2 fresh grapefruit in conjunction with your coffee. This will stimulate thermogenisis, or an increase in body temperature. Always drink your coffee about 20-30 minutes prior to an exercise session to assure that “kick”. [Please check with your physician on this suggestion.]

4. YOU KNEAD YOURSELF: Grab, squeeze and pinch your fat. Yes, actually grab your fat anywhere you wish, or everywhere, and squeeze it, pinch it, knead it as vigorously as you can tolerate. While you’re kneading your fat pretend like you’re trying to break up the fat globules that reside underneath your skin. By doing this, I believe you can start the catabolic, or breakdown, process of cellulite by manually breaking it apart and accelerating the burning process. Of course, this is effective when used in conjunction with a high-level muscle-shaping fat-burning system and eating plan—like with the AB-DOer Twist System™. Be careful that you don’t hurt yourself as getting pinched does not feel that good, even if you’re doing it to yourself.

5. EXERCISE HUNGRY: Do not eat before you exercise. If you exercise in the morning then do so on an empty stomach. Exercising hungry allows your blood sugar levels to be lower than normal so your body is forced to access, then burn, stored fat much sooner in your workout. [Caution: Most people who exercise on an empty stomach may experience light headedness or dizziness. In these cases please consume something to prevent this from happening.]


DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this presentation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition or illness, and should not be construed as medical advise. If you have any concerns or questions about your health or sexuality, please visit a qualified licensed professional. No copying, transferring or any duplication, in part or in whole, is permissible unless agreed to in writing by this programs author. Penalties for such violations will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. You agree that any correspondences via phone, email or otherwise, between yourself and the sender of this presentation can be recorded and used, in part or in entirety, for any and all purposes and through mediums that may include, but are not limited to, video, audio, newsletters, website, telecasts, and others now known and developed in the future. Abdo, All Rights Reserved, Abdo © 1/2011

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Cleaning crayons of laminate floor with steam H2O Mop X5

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Citrus Roasted Salmon recipe for FlavorWave halogen infrared Oven

Flavorwave optional browning tray required
1 tsp lemon rind, grated
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp honey
4 tsp chili powder, or to taste
1 tsp ground cumin
,1/2 tsp salt
1/2  tsp ground coriander seeds
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
1 can (6 oz.) orange juice concentrate, thawed
4 (6 oz.) salmon fillets, skinned about I" thick
1 dash cooking spray for greasing
orange wedges (optional)
parsley sprigs (optional)
1) Combine all ingredients in a bowl except salmon; brush both sides of fish with orange mixture. Reserve remaining orange
mixture. Place salmon on Flavorwave optional browning tray coated with cooking spray. Bake at 400°F for 15 minutes or
until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.
2) Place remaining orange mixture in a small saucepan; bring to a boil, and cook until reduced to Y, cup (about 2 minutes).
Serve with fish, and garnish with orange wedges and parsley, if desired.
Servings: 4
Yield: I fillet and 2 tablespoon orange sauce.
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Oven Temperature: 400°F
Cooking Times
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: IS minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 1I4 of a recipe (9.6 ounces).
Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake
(RDl) for a 2000 calorie diet.
Nutrition information provided by the recipe author.

Author: Chef Claude

Many more FlavorWave Recipes here

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Bruschetta recipe for FlavorWave infrared halogen Oven – by Chef Claude

Many more recipes here

Flavorwave optional browning tray required.

When you roast garlic. its flavour becomes unbelievably mellow and buttery.

4 large plum tomatoes

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup fresh basil, chopped

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 head garlic cloves

12 slices baguette, toasted

2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

1/2 cup (2 oz.) goat cheese (optional)

2 Tbsp olive oil

3 garlic cloves chopped

1) Cut tomatoes in wedges horizontally and scoop out seeds. Remove white papery skin from garlic head (do not peel or
separate cloves). Wrap garlic head in foil. Lightly oil Flavorwave optional browning tray and place on bottom rack,
arrange tomato wedges in a single layer on tray. Bake garlic and tomatoes at 425°P for 30 minutes turning tomatoes after
15 minutes.
2) Remove tomatoes from oven and dice; chop the 3 garlic cloves, chopped basil and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to
taste. Mix all together. Bake garlic head and additional 5 minutes. Remove garlic from oven, cool 10 minutes. Separate
cloves; squeeze to extract garlic pulp. Discard skins. Mash garlic pulp and goat cheese (if using) with a fork until blended.
3) Spread 2 teaspoons goat cheese mixture over bread slice or simply use the mashed garlic pulp. Top each slice with tomato
Servings: 6
Yield: Serving size: 2 croutes
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Oven Temperature: 425°P
Cooking Times
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 minutes
Inactive Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: serving size: 2 croutes.
Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake
(RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.
Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients.

TIP: Variation
Removing the goat cheese from the recipes, will remove 40 calories per serving.
Instead of chopping the 3 garlic cloves, cut side of raw garlic clove and rub on the toasted bread slices.

Author: Chef Claude

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