Ab Doer Twist Machine. An Ab Machine that Will Twist Your Way to Fitness

Thane Products


Summer is around the corner  and all you keep thinking about is shedding the winter pounds and committing to healthier lifestyle. Many people try new exercise regimes to change things up while other swear by what they did last summer to loose weight this summer. My secret has always been John Ab Doers Twist Machine and its something I use along with other work regimes to get me back in shape each summer. Before I go in to detail about the ab machine workout I want to point out some  important tips:

 Rule #1.  

You cant define you waist if your eating habits are bad. Start paying attention to what you are eating now. Just cutting out junk food, white carbs and sugary drinks helps eliminate the unnecessary calories out of your diet and jump start your weight loss.

Rule  #2. 

To get the most out of any ab exercise machine you have to incorporate a good amount of cardiovascular exercise into your daily workout routine. The cardio will help you reduce fat all over your body but will more importantly shrink the fat around your stomach. If you stick to these two rules then you will have no problem defining your waist with John Ab Doers ab exercise machine.

John’s Ab Doer Twist Ab Machine

Johns Ab Doer Twist  can help you define you stomach and work on your abs at the same time. I have used seated ab chair for years and have always gotten the best results from it. 

A Brief Break down of the Ab Doer. 

The machine has a seat with comfortable cushioning, a highly flexible column, a roller instead of a back cushion and a twisted arm bar. Each part of the chair provides a advantage to your workout.  The cushion allows comfortable seating so you do not get fatigued, the arm bars allow easy handling so you can simply concentrate on moving your body and controlling it. And the roller at the back of the chair acts like a massage.

The Resistance Control

The resistance control knob is just below the seat and is used to control the flexible column. You can set the strength of resistance as you see fit. The resistance knob  allows anyone to use the Ab Doer because you can start off at any resistance level you are comfortable at and then progress. 

The Ab Doer Twist is comes with two additional products. An instruction DVD and a booklet with recommended recipes. The DVD is very important since this contains actual exercises that can be done with the machine to gain the abs users want. The recipe booklet is also useful since its a perfect supplement in controlling calories while reaching your desired body.

If you are contemplating getting the Ab Doer  then you should think about all the things this machine can do for you and what it can not. For instance the Ab Doer is a great exercise machine but it is really only meant for your abs. The means that any cardio or other strength training that you should do has to be done with other equipment. You need to start working your whole body before you start noticing the development in your abs.

If you do decide to get the Ab Doer Twist, congratulations you have made the first step towards reducing your waist line and shifting your mental attitude towards a healthier lifestyle. The most important part comes after you get the machine and start working on it. Rest assure the product does come with a 30 day money back guarantee. This means you can try out the product for a couple weeks and see if it will foster improvements in your body. You will however have to contact customer service from the country you ordered it from if you have any questions or concerns.

www.thaneproducts.com has a list countries you can order from and helpful customer service representatives  if you have any questions. 




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