Jumping Jacks 30 Second Jolt – wram up to Abdoer twist by John Abdo

Ab Doer Twist™ Best workout for your abs

Remember Jumping Jacks? It’ll depend on your age how far back you have to retrieve that memory, but most of us have done them. Jumping Jacks are a calisthenic exercise designed to improve fitness levels and muscle tone, and burn calories. This very basic yet outstanding movement is terrific for strengthening the legs, arms and shoulders while enhancing total body coordination. On top of that, perform Jumping Jacks long enough and you’ll also notice remarkable benefits to your cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Jumping Jacks are simple to perform, provided your doctor allows you to perform them. I suggest doing them intermittently throughout the day, especially if you’re feeling a drop in energy. By performing a quick set of Jumping Jacks for as little as 30 seconds you can jolt your body, mind, and nervous system with a surge of blood, oxygen and electrical (nervous) energy to all body tissues pepping you up for hours. Short burts of this, or any exercise, allows you to “do the time” without the perspiration that’s commonly associated with long duration aerobic activity.

you can jolt your body, and mind, with a surge of blood and oxygen to all body tissues pepping you up for hours…

Whether you’re at the office, in a hotel room, at home or even at the gym, Jumping Jacks are one of those good-ole-days movements that I’ve integrated into my “No Excuses Workout” video. NEW is an anywhere anytime total fitness routine that is both fun and productive.

While standing upright with feet spaced about shoulders width apart and arms hanging straight at your sides, conduct short upward jumps spreading your legs slightly to each side while simultaneously trying to clap your hands over head. Strive to achieve a coordinated tempo for at least 30 seconds. As you advance you can add time and slightly increase your speed. Have fun while keeping up your heart and breathing rate a bit knowing that you’re flushing oxygen around your body and burning a few calories in the process.

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